海峡两岸经济合作框架协议(英文为Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,简称ECFA;台湾方面的繁体版本称为海峡两岸经济合作架构协议),原称为两岸综合性经济合作协定或称两岸综合经济合作协定(英文简称CECA,即Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement)。2010年1月26日,ECFA第一次两会专家工作商谈在北京举行。2010年6月29日,两岸两会领导人签订合作协议。2010年8月17日,台湾立法机构通过《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》。
序号 | 税号 | 中文货名(简称) | 英文货名(简称) |
1 | 27079100 | 杂酚油 | Creosote oils |
2 | 27101941 | 燃料油,温度15℃,比重超过0.93 | Fuel oil, at 15 degrees C, over 0.93 specific gravity |
3 | 27111990 | 其他液化碳化氢(烃) | Other liquefied gases hydrocarbons |
4 | 27131200 | 石油焦,已煅烧 | Petroleum coke, calcined |
5 | 28030010 | 碳烟 | Carbon black |
6 | 28121010 | 三氯化磷 | Phosphorus trichloride |
7 | 28151200 | 氢氧化钠水溶液(咸水或液碱) | Sodium hydroxide, in aqueous solution (soda lye or liquid soda) |
8 | 28161010 | 氢氧化镁 | Magnesium hydroxide |
9 | 28230090 | 其他氧化钛 | Other titanium oxides |
10 | 28258000 | 氧化锑 | Antimony oxides |
11 | 28273990 | 其他金属氯化物(氯化钠归列第2501节) | Other metal chlorides (sodium chloride classified in heading 25.01) |
12 | 28332400 | 镍之硫酸盐 | Sulphates of nickel |
13 | 28352500 | 磷酸氢钙(磷酸二钙) | Calcium hydrogenorthophosphate ("dicalcium phosphate") |
14 | 28362010 | 晶碱 | Soda crystal (washing soda) |
15 | 28362090 | 碳酸纳(纯碱) | Disodium carbonate |
16 | 28419090 | 其他氧金属或过氧金属酸盐 | Other salts of oxometallic or peroxometallic acids |
17 | 29033990 | 其他非环烃之氟化、溴化或碘化衍生物 | Other fluorinated, brominated or iodinated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons |
18 | 29034900 | 其他含二种或以上不同卤素原子之非环烃卤化衍生物 | Other halogenated derivatives of acyclic hydrocarbons containing two or more different halogens |
19 | 29055990 | 其他非环醇之卤化、磺化、硝化或亚硝化衍生物 | Other halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives of acyclic alcohols |
20 | 29094999 | 其他醚醇及其卤化、磺化、硝化或亚硝化衍生物 | Other ether alcohols and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
21 | 29103000 | 1-氯-2,3-环氧丙烷 | 1-Chloro-2, 3-epoxypropane (epichlorohydrin) |
22 | 29124990 | 未列名醛醚、醛酚及具有其他氧官能基之醛 | Aldehyde-ethers, aldehyde-phenols and aldehydes with other oxygen function |
23 | 29145000 | 酮酚及具有其他氧官能基之酮 | Ketone-phenols and ketones with other oxygen function |
24 | 29151100 | 蚁酸(甲酸) | Formic acid |
25 | 29152100 | 醋酸(乙酸) | Acetic acid |
26 | 29153100 | 醋酸乙酯 | Ethyl acetate |
27 | 29153900 | 其他醋酸之酯类 | Other esters of acetic acid |
28 | 29159090 | 其他饱和非环一元羧酸及酸酐、卤化物、过氧化物及过氧酸;其卤化、磺化、硝化或亚硝化衍生物 | Other saturated acyclic monocarboxylic acids and their anhydrides, halides, peroxides and peroxyacids; their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
29 | 29161200 | 丙烯酸之酯类 | Esters of acrylic acid |
30 | 29161410 | 甲基丙烯酸甲酯 | Methyl methacrylate |
31 | 29163990 | 其他芳香族一元羧酸、其酐、卤化物、过氧化物、过氧酸及其衍生物 | Other aromatic monocarboxylic acids, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxgacids and their derivatives |
32 | 29181400 | 柠檬酸 | Citric acid |
33 | 29182900 | 其他具有酚官能基但无其他氧官能基之羧酸,其酐、卤化物、过氧化物、过氧酸及其衍生物 | Other carboxylic acids with phenol function but without other oxygen function, their anhydrides, halides, peroxides, peroxyacids and their derivatives |
34 | 29209049 | 其他亚磷酸酯及其盐类,及其卤化、磺化、硝化或亚硝化衍生物 | Other phosphorous ester and their salts, and their halogenated, sulphonated, nitrated or nitrosated derivatives |
35 | 29211900 | 其他非环一元胺及其衍生物;其盐类 | Other acylic monoamines and their derivatives; salts thereof |
36 | 29214200 | 苯胺衍生物及其盐类 | Aniline derivatives and their salts |
37 | 29215990 | 其他芳香族多元胺及其衍生物;其盐类 | Other aromatic polyamines and their derivatives;salts thereof |
38 | 29222100 | 胺基羟基磺酸及其盐类 | Aminohydroxynaphthalene- sulphonic acids and their salts |
39 | 29224990 | 其他胺基酸(含氧官能基超过一种以上者除外)及其酯类;其盐类 | Other amino-acids, other than those containing more than one kind of oxygen function, and their esters; salts thereof |
40 | 29239000 | 其他第四铵盐类及氢氧化物 | Other quaternary ammoniun salts and hydroxides |
41 | 29241910 | 二甲基甲酰胺 | Dimethyl formamide(D.M.F,) |
42 | 29242990 | 其他环酰胺(包括环状胺甲酸酯)及其衍生物及其盐类 | Other cyclic amides (including cyclic carbamates) and their derivatives; salts thereof |
43 | 29270010 | 偶氮二甲酰胺 | Azobisforamide |
44 | 29270090 | 其他重氮、偶氮或氧化偶氮化合物 | Other diazo-, azo- or azoxy-compounds |
45 | 29291020 | 二异氰酸二苯甲烷 | Diphenylmethane diisocyanate |
46 | 29299000 | 其他氮官能基化合物 | Compounds with other nitrogen function |
47 | 29309090 | 其他有机硫化物 | Other organo-sulphur compounds |
48 | 29310029 | 有机锡化合物 | Oragno-tin compounds |
49 | 29321310 | 呋喃甲醇 | Furfuryl alcohol |
50 | 29321320 | 四氢呋喃甲醇 | Tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol |
51 | 29321990 | 其他之结构中含有一未稠合之呋喃环(不论是否氢化)之化合物 | Other compounds containing an unfused furan ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure |
52 | 29322900 | 其他内酯 | Other lactones |
53 | 29329900 | 其他仅具有氧杂原子之杂环化合物 | Other heterocyclic compound with oxygen hetero-atom(s) only |
54 | 29333990 | 其他结构中含有一未稠合之吡啶环(不论是否氢化)之化合物 | Other compounds containing an unfused pyridine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure |
55 | 29336990 | 其他含有一未经稠合之三氮环(不论是否氢化)之化合物 | Other compounds containing an unfused triazine ring (whether or not hydrogenated) in the structure |
56 | 29339990 | 其他仅具有氮杂原子之杂环化合物 | Other heterocyclic compounds with nitrogen hetero-atom(s) only |
57 | 32041120 | 以分散性染料为基料之调制品 | Preparations based on disperse dyes |
58 | 32041210 | 酸性染料,不论是否已金属预处理 | Acid dyes, whether or not premetallised |
59 | 32041220 | 以酸性染料为基料之调制品 | Preparations based on acid dyes |
60 | 32041230 | 媒染染料 | Mordant dyes |
61 | 32041240 | 以媒染染料为基料之调制品 | Preparations based on mordant dyes |
62 | 32041711 | 有机萤光颜料 | Organic fluorescent pigments |
63 | 32041719 | 其他合成有机颜料 | Other synthetic organic pigments |
64 | 32041720 | 以合成有机颜料为基料之调制品 | Preparations based on synthetic organic pigments |
65 | 32042000 | 用作萤光增亮剂之合成有机产品 | Synthetic organic products of a kind used as fluorescent brightening agents |
66 | 32061100 | 以干物质计,含二氧化钛在80%或以上之颜料及调制品 | Pigments and preparations, containing 80% or more by weight of titanium dioxide calculated on the dry matter |
67 | 32061900 | 其他以二氧化钛为基料之颜料及调制品 | Other pigments and preparations based on titanium dioxide |
68 | 32141090 | 其他玻璃匠用之油灰、接合用之油灰、树脂粘合剂,填隙料及其他灰泥;漆匠用之填充物 | Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations |
69 | 33073000 | 沐浴香盐及其他沐浴用剂 | Perfumed bath salts and other bath preparations |
70 | 33074100 | 亚珈倍地及其他熏香物品 | Agarbatti and other odoriferous preparations which operate by burning |
71 | 33074900 | 其他室内熏香或除臭剂,包括用于宗教仪式之芳香制品 | Other preparations for perfuming or deodorising rooms, including odoriferous preparations used during religious rites |
72 | 33079090 | 脱毛剂及其他未列名之香料制剂、化妆品或盥洗用制剂,不论是否芳香或有消毒性质者 | Depilatories and other perfumery, cosmetic or toilet preparations, not elsewhere specified or included, whether or not perfumed or having disinfectant properties |
73 | 34021300 | 非离子性有机界面活性剂 | Non-ionic organic surface-active agents |
74 | 34022000 | 零售包装界面活性制剂、洗涤制剂及清洁制剂 | Surface-active preparations, washing preparations and cleaning preparations, put up for retail sale |
75 | 35061000 | 适于作胶用或粘着剂用之产品,以零售包装当作胶或粘着剂出售,每件净重不逾一公斤者 | Products suitable for use as glues or adhesives, put up for retail sale as glues or adhesives, not exceeding a net weight of 1 kg |
76 | 35069110 | 热熔胶 | Hot melt adhesives |
77 | 35069190 | 其他以第3901至第3913节之聚合物或以橡胶为基料之粘着剂 | Other adhesives based on polymers of headings 39.01 to 39.13 or on rubber |
78 | 35069900 | 其他调制胶及调制粘着剂 | Other prepared glues and adhesives |
79 | 37079030 | 供照相用调色剂 | Toners, for photographic uses |
80 | 38021000 | 活性碳 | Rosin and resin acids |
81 | 38061000 | 松香及树脂酸 | Rosin and resin acids |
82 | 38069090 | 其他松香及树脂酸之衍生物 | Other derivatives of rosin and resin acids |
83 | 38121000 | 调制之橡胶促进剂 | Prepared rubber accelerators |
84 | 38123020 | 橡胶或塑胶用其他复合安定剂 | Other compound stabilisers for rubber or plastics |
85 | 38151900 | 其他载体上触媒 | Other supported catalysts |
86 | 38159019 | 其他触媒 | Other catalytics |
87 | 38160000 | 耐火水泥、灰泥、混凝土及类似配制品,不包括第3801节所列者 | Refractory cements, mortars, concretes and similar compositions, other than products of heading 38.01 |
88 | 38243000 | 未经凝聚之金属碳化物混合物或其与金属粘结剂混合者 | Non-agglomerated metal carbides mixed together or with metallic binders |
89 | 38249099 | 其他化学或相关工业之未列名化学品及化学制品(包括天然产品混合物) | Other chemical products and preparations of the chemical or allied industries (including those consisting of mixtures of natural products), not elsewhere specified or included |
90 | 39029090 | 其他烯烃之聚合物,初级状态 | Other polymers of other olefins, in primary forms |
91 | 39039090 | 其他苯乙烯之聚合物,初级状态 | Other polymers of styrene, in primary forms |
92 | 39061010 | 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯粒,初级状态 | Poly(methyl methacrylate) granules, in primary forms |
93 | 39069010 | 其他丙烯酸聚合物粒,初级状态 | Other acrylic polymers granules, in primary forms |
94 | 39069090 | 其他丙烯酸聚合物乳液,初级状态 | Other acrylic polymers emulsion, in primary forms |
95 | 39074000 | 聚碳酸树脂,初级状态 | Polycarbonates, in primary forms |
96 | 39075000 | 醇酸树脂,初级状态 | Alkyd resins, in primary form |
97 | 39079100 | 其他聚酯,不饱和者,初级状态 | Other polyesters, unsaturated, in primary forms |
98 | 39091000 | 尿素树脂或硫尿树脂,初级状态 | Urea resins or thiourea resins, in primary forms |
99 | 39092000 | 三聚氰胺树脂,初级状态 | Melamine resins, in primary forms |
100 | 39093090 | 其他胺基树脂,初级状态 | Other amino resins, in primary forms |
101 | 39094000 | 酚树脂,初级状态 | Phenolic resins, in primary forms |
102 | 39095000 | 聚胺基甲酸乙酯,初级状态 | Polyurethanes, in primary forms |
103 | 39100030 | 硅树脂 | Silicone resin |
104 | 39100040 | 硅橡胶 | Silicone rubber |
105 | 39111010 | 石油树脂 | Petroleum resins |
106 | 40111000 | 新橡胶气胎,小客车(包括旅行车及赛车)用 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used on motor cars (including station wagons and racing cars) |
107 | 40112000 | 新橡胶气胎,大客车及货车用 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used on buses or lorries |
108 | 40115000 | 新橡胶气胎,脚踏车用 | New pneumatic tyres, of rubber, of a kind used on bicycles |
109 | 52054800 | 多股(合股)或粗股精梳棉纱,单股纱支数在83.33分德士以下(公制支数超过120支)者 | Cotton yarn, multiple (folded) or cabled, of combed fibres, measuring per single yarn less than 83.33 decitex (exceeding 120 metric number per single yarn) |
110 | 52081300 | 未漂白棉三枚或四枚斜纹梭织物,含棉重量在85%及以上,每平方公尺重量不超过200公克者 | Woven fabrics of cotton, 3-thread or 4-thread twill, including cross twill, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/square meter, unbleached |
111 | 52083200 | 染色棉平纹梭织物,含棉重量在85%及以上,每平方公尺重量超过100公克,不超过200公克者 | Woven fabrics of cotton, plain weave, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing more than 100 g/square meter but not more than 200 g/square meter, dyed |
112 | 52083900 | 其他染色棉梭织物,含棉重量在85%及以上,每平方公尺重量不超过200公克者 | Other woven fabrics of cotton, containing 85% or more by weight of cotton, weighing not more than 200 g/square meter, dyed |
113 | 54021900 | 其他高强力尼龙或聚酰胺丝纱,非供零售用者 | Other high tenacity filament yarn of nylon or polyamides, not put up for retail sale |
114 | 54022000 | 高强力聚酯丝纱,非供零售用者 | High tenacity filament yarn of polyesters, not put up for retail sale |
115 | 54024900 | 其他未加捻或捻度每公尺不超过50捻之其他合成纤维单股丝纱,非供零售用者 | Other synthetic filament yarn, single, untwisted or with a twist not exceeding 50 turns per metre, not put up for retail sale |
116 | 55039090 | 其他合成纤维棉,未初梳、未精梳或未另行处理以供纺制用者 | Other synthetic staple fibres, not carded, combed or otherwise processed for spinning |
117 | 55081000 | 合成纤维棉制缝纫线,不论是否供零售用者 | Sewing thread of synthetic staple fibres, whether or not put up for retail sale |
118 | 55092200 | 多股(合股)或粗股纱,含聚酯纤维棉重量在85%及以上,非供零售用者 | Multiple (folded) or cabled yarn, containing 85% or more by weight of polyester staple fibres, not put up for retail sale |
119 | 56031290 | 其他不织布,不论是否经浸渍、涂布、被覆或粘合者 | Other nonwoven fabrics, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated |
120 | 56031390 | 其他不织布,不论是否经浸渍、涂布、被覆或粘合者 | Other nonwoven fabrics, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated |
121 | 56039290 | 其他不织布,不论是否经浸渍、涂布、被覆或粘合者 | Other nonwoven fabrics, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated |
122 | 56039490 | 其他不织布,不论是否经浸渍、涂布、被覆或粘合者 | Other nonwoven fabrics, whether or not impregnated, coated, covered or laminated |
123 | 58012300 | 棉制其他纬线圈绒梭织物 | Other weft pile fabrics, of cotton |
124 | 59021000 | 尼龙或其他聚酰胺高强力纱制之轮胎帘布 | Tyre cord fabric of high tenacity yarn of nylon or other polyamides |
125 | 59031010 | PVC合成皮 | PVC synthetic leather |
126 | 59031020 | 其他用聚氯乙烯浸渍、涂布、被覆或粘合之棉纺织物,但第5902节所列者除外 | Other fabrics of cotton, impregnated, coated, covered or laminated with polyvinyl chloride, other than those of heading 59.02 |
127 | 59032010 | PU合成皮 | PU synthetic leather |
128 | 59069990 | 用橡胶处理之其他纺织物,其他纺织材料制 | Other rubberised textile fabrics, of other textile materials |
129 | 60041010 | 丝制其他针织品或针织品,宽度超过30公分且含弹性纱重量在5%及以上,但不含橡胶线者,第6001节除外 | Knitted or crocheted fabrics, of a width exceeding 30cm, containing by weight 5% or more of elastomeric yarn but not containing rubber thread, of silk , other than those of heading 60.01. |
130 | 70139100 | 其他铅水晶玻璃器 | Other glassware of lead crystal |
131 | 70140011 | 道路标线及标志用反光玻璃 | Reflective glass for road marking lines and road signs |
132 | 70140019 | 其他信号用玻璃器,未经光学加工 | Other signalling glassware, not optically worked |
133 | 70171000 | 实验室、卫生或医疗用之玻璃器,已否刻度或校正者均在内,属熔凝石英或其他熔化硅砂制者 | Laboratory, hygienic or pharmaceutical glassware, whether or not graduated or calibrated, of fused quartz or other fused silica |
134 | 74111000 | 精炼铜管 | Refined copper tubes and pipes |
135 | 78041900 | 铅板及其他铅片、扁条及箔 | Lead plates and other lead sheets, strip and foil |
136 | 82072020 | 挤压金属用模 | Dies for extruding metal |
137 | 82073010 | 冷压及冲压金属片机器用冲头及模;落锤锻模 | Punches and dies for cold pressing and stamping of sheet metal; drop forging |
138 | 82073090 | 其他压、冲、撞打工具之可互换工具 | Other interchangeable tools for pressing, stamping or punching |
139 | 82075010 | 可互换之钻孔工具,手工具用 | Interchangeable tools for drilling, hand tools use |
140 | 82075020 | 可互换之钻孔工具,工具机用 | Interchangeable tools for drilling, machines use |
141 | 82079010 | 其他可互换工具,手工具用 | Other interchangeable tools, hand tools use |
142 | 82089090 | 其他机器或机械工具用刀及刀片 | Other knives and cutting blades, for machines or for mechanical appliances |
143 | 84122110 | 液压缸 | Hydraulic cylinders |
144 | 84123110 | 气压缸 | Pneumatic cylinders |
145 | 84138190 | 其他液体泵 | Other pumps for liquids |
146 | 84139100 | 液体泵之零件 | Parts of pumps for liquids |
147 | 84141000 | 真空泵 | Vacuum pumps |
148 | 84143010 | 输出功率600瓦特及以上但未达2000瓦特之冷藏设备用压缩机 | Compressors, output 600 W and over, but less than 2,000 W, of a kind used in refrigerating equipment |
149 | 84143020 | 其他冷藏设备用之压缩机 | Other compressors of a kind used in refrigerating equipment |
150 | 84145900 | 其他风扇 | Other fans |
151 | 84148011 | 离心式空气压缩机 | Centrifugal air compressors |
152 | 84148019 | 其他压缩机 | Other compressors |
153 | 84148020 | 鼓风机 | Blowers |
154 | 84148090 | 其他第8414节所属之货品 | Other articles of heading 84.14 |
155 | 84149010 | 空气泵及真空泵之零件 | Parts of air pumps and vacuum pumps |
156 | 84149020 | 压缩机之零件 | Parts of compressors |
157 | 84149030 | 风扇及鼓风机之零件 | Parts of fans and blowers |
158 | 84149090 | 其他第8414节所属货品之零件 | Other parts of articles of heading 84.14 |
159 | 84159000 | 空气调节器零件 | Parts of air conditioning machines |
160 | 84178090 | 其他非电热式工业或实验室用炉及烘烤箱 | Other industrial or laboratory furnaces and ovens, non-electric |
161 | 84193200 | 木材、纸浆、纸或纸板用干燥机 | Dryers for wood, paper pulp, paper or paperboard |
162 | 84193900 | 其他干燥机 | Other dryers |
163 | 84195000 | 热交换器 | Heat exchange units |
164 | 84212190 | 其他水过滤或净化机具 | Other filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for water |
165 | 84212900 | 其他液体过滤或净化机具 | Other filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids |
166 | 84213990 | 其他气体过滤或净化机具 | Other filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for gases |
167 | 84219990 | 其他液体或气体过滤及净化机具之零件 | Other parts of filtering or purifying machinery and apparatus for liquids or gases |
168 | 84243000 | 喷水蒸汽机或喷砂机及类似喷射机器 | Steam or sand blasting machines and similar jet projecting machines |
169 | 84388000 | 其他第8438节所属之机械 | Other machinery of heading 84.38 |
170 | 84392000 | 纸或纸板制造机械 | Machinery for making paper or paperboard |
171 | 84411000 | 切纸机 | Paper cutting machines |
172 | 84418090 | 其他第8441节所属之机械 | Other machinery of heading 84.41 |
173 | 84431990 | 其他印刷机 | Other printing machines |
174 | 84440000 | 人造纤维材料射丝、延伸、捻丝或切割机器 | Machines for extruding drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials |
175 | 84471100 | 环型针织机(圆编机),针筒直径不超过165公厘者 | Circular knitting machines, with cylinder diameter not exceeding 165 mm |
176 | 84471200 | 环型针织机(圆编机),针筒直径超过165公厘者 | Circular knitting machines, with cylinder diameter exceeding 165 mm |
177 | 84472000 | 编织针织机;合缝机 | Flat knitting machines; stitch-bonding machines |
178 | 84485900 | 其他第8447节机器或其辅助机械之零件及附件 | other parts and accessories of machines of heading 84.47or their auxilary machinery |
179 | 84514000 | 洗涤、漂白或染色机器 | Washing, bleaching or dyeing machines |
180 | 84515090 | 其他织物之卷取、松卷、折迭、切断或剪边机器 | Other machines for reeling, unreeling, folding, cutting or dinking textile fabrics |
181 | 84518000 | 其他第8451节所属之机械 | Other machinery of heading 84.51 |
182 | 84522110 | 锁边缝纫机(拷克车) | Over-lock sewing machines (cock sewing machines) |
183 | 84529000 | 缝纫机之其他零件 | Other parts of sewing machines |
184 | 84729090 | 其他第8472节所属办公室用机器 | Other office machines of heading 84.72 |
185 | 84772090 | 其他押出机 | Other extruders |
186 | 84774000 | 真空成型机及其他热定型机 | Vacuum moulding machines and other thermoforming machines |
187 | 84775900 | 其他模制或造形用机械 | Other machinery for moulding or otherwise forming |
188 | 84778000 | 其他第8477节所属之机械 | Other machinery of heading 84.77 |
189 | 84779000 | 第8477节所属机械之零件 | Other parts of machinery of heading 84.77 |
190 | 84798100 | 处理金属用机械,包括电线卷绕机 | Machinery for treating metal, including electric wire coil-winders |
191 | 84798200 | 混合、揉合、轧碎、磨粉、筛分、精选、均质、乳化或搅拌机器 | Mixing, kneading, crushing, grinding, screening, sifting, homogenising, emulsifying or stirring machines |
192 | 84798990 | 其他第8479节所属之机械 | Other machinery of heading 84.79 |
193 | 84799090 | 其他第8479节所属机械之零件 | Other parts of machinery of heading 84.79 |
194 | 84804100 | 金属或金属碳化物用射出模或压缩模 | Injection or compression moulds for metal or metal carbides |
195 | 84807900 | 其他橡胶或塑胶用模 | Other moulds for rubber or plastics |
196 | 84812000 | 油压或气压传动阀 | Valves for oleohydraulic or pneumatic transmissions |
197 | 84813000 | 止回(不回流)阀 | Check (nonreturn) valves |
198 | 84814000 | 安全阀或放泄阀 | Safety or relief valves |
199 | 84818020 | 消防栓及消防撒水头 | Fire-hydrants and fire-sprinkler heads |
200 | 84819020 | 消防栓之零件 | Parts of fire-hydrants |
201 | 84819090 | 其他第8481节所属货品之零件 | Other parts of articles of heading 84.81 |
202 | 84824090 | 其他滚针轴承 | Other needle roller bearings |
203 | 84829910 | 轴承用钢圈(未经研磨) | Steel race for bearings (unfinished) |
204 | 84829920 | 轴承用保持器 | Holder for bearings |
205 | 84829990 | 其他滚珠或滚子轴承之零件 | Parts of other ball or roller bearings |
206 | 84834090 | 其他第848340目所属之货品 | Other articles of subheading 8483.40 |
207 | 84839090 | 其他齿轮、链轮及其他传动元件,单独呈现者;及第8483节所属货品之零件 | Other toothed wheels, chain sprockets and other transmission elements presented separately ; and parts for articles of heading 84.83 |
208 | 84841000 | 密合垫及金属片与其他材料或两层或多层金属片合成之类似接合垫 | Gaskets and similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of two or more layers of metal |
209 | 85011010 | 防爆型电动机,输出未超过37.5瓦者 | Explosion proof motors, of an output not exceeding 37.5 w |
210 | 85011090 | 其他电动机,输出未超过37.5瓦者 | Other motors of an output not exceeding 37.5 w |
211 | 85030090 | 其他专用或主要用于第8501或8502节所列机器之零件 | Other parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of heading 85.01 or 85.02 |
212 | 85044091 | 其他切换式电源供应器 | Other power supply, exchangeable type |
213 | 85049000 | 第8504节所属货品之零件 | Parts of the articles of heading 85.04 |
214 | 85051100 | 金属制永久磁铁及经磁化可成永久磁铁之货品 | Permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets after magnetisation, of metal |
215 | 85051900 | 其他材料制永久磁铁及经磁化可成永久磁铁之货品 | Permanent magnets and articles intended to become permanent magnets after magnetisation, of other material |
216 | 85061021 | 二氧化锰干电池(中性),外体积未超过300毫升者 | Manganese dioxide dry cells (neutral), of an external volume not exceeding 300 cm3 |
217 | 85061090 | 其他二氧化锰原电池及原电池组 | Other manganese dioxide primary cells and primary batteries |
218 | 85078000 | 其他蓄电池 | Other accumulators |
219 | 85129010 | 脚踏车用照明或视觉信号设备之零件 | Parts of lighting or visual signalling equipment of a kind used on bicycles |
220 | 85181090 | 其他有线微音器及其座 | Other line microphones and stands therefor |
221 | 85184090 | 其他声频扩大器 | Other audio-frequency electric amplifiers |
222 | 85189090 | 其他第8518节所属货品之零件 | Other parts of articles of heading 8518 |
223 | 85258010 | 电视摄影机 | Television cameras |
224 | 85285910 | 其他彩色非阴极射线管监视器 | Other colour non-cathode-ray tube monitors |
225 | 85361000 | 熔丝装置,电压未超过1000伏特者 | Fuses, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 volt |
226 | 85371010 | 专供配合机器使用之电子控制设备(包括数值、程式、电脑及其他类似控制设备),电压未超过1000伏特者 | Electronics control devices (including digital controllers, programmed controllers, microprocessors and other similar control devices) exclusively for use with machineries, for a voltage not exceeding 1,000 V |
227 | 85392100 | 卤素钨丝灯泡 | Tungsten halogen lamps |
228 | 85393920 | 冷阴极灯管 | Cool cathode lamp |
229 | 85393990 | 其他放电式灯泡 | Other discharge lamps |
230 | 85399000 | 第8539节所属货品之零件 | Parts of articles of heading 85.39 |
231 | 87120010 | 二轮脚踏车 | Bicycles |
232 | 87120090 | 其他脚踏车 | Other cycles |
233 | 87149120 | 其他车架及叉及其零件 | Other frames and forks, and parts thereof |
234 | 87149200 | 轮圈及轮幅 | Wheel rims and spokes |
235 | 87149310 | 轮毂,但倒煞车轮毂及轮毂煞车除外 | Hubs, other than coaster braking hubs and hub brakes |
236 | 87149320 | 飞轮之链轮 | Free-wheel sprocket-wheels |
237 | 87149410 | 钢线煞车器及其零件 | Caliper brake and parts thereof |
238 | 87149420 | 倒煞车轮毂及其零件 | Coaster braking hub and parts thereof |
239 | 87149490 | 其他煞车器及其零件 | Other brakes and parts thereof |
240 | 87149500 | 脚踏车车座 | Saddles of cycles |
241 | 87149610 | 踏板及其零件 | Pedals and parts thereof |
242 | 87149620 | 曲柄齿轮及其零件 | Crank-gear and parts thereof |
243 | 87149910 | 边车零件 | Parts for side cars |
244 | 87149920 | 车辆用反光片、带 | Reflective sheets and bands, suitable for vehicles use |
245 | 87149990 | 其他第8711至8713节所属车辆之零件及附件 | Other parts and accessories of vehicles of headings 87.11 to 87.13 |
246 | 87150000 | 婴儿用车及其零件 | Baby carriages and parts thereof |
247 | 90015000 | 其他材料制眼镜用透镜 | Spectacle lenses of other materials |
248 | 90019090 | 其他未装配光学元件 | Other optical elements, unmounted |
249 | 90021110 | 可拆卸式交换镜头,供单眼照相机用者 | Interchangeable lenses, for single lens reflex cameras |
250 | 90021190 | 其他物镜,供照相机、投影机或照相放大器或缩影器用者 | Other objective lenses, for cameras, projectors or photographic enlargers or reducers |
251 | 90021900 | 其他物镜 | Other objective lenses |
252 | 90029032 | 电视或电影摄影机或放映机用附加镜头 | Lenses, additional mounted, for television or cinimatographic cameras or projectors |
253 | 90029090 | 其他已装配光学元件 | Other optical elements, mounted |
254 | 90292090 | 其他第902920目所属之货品 | Other articles of subheading 9029.20 |
255 | 90330090 | 其他本章未列名之机器、用具、仪器或器具之零件及附件 | Other parts and accessories (not specified or included elsewhere in this Chapter) for machines, appliances, instruments or apparatus of Chapter 90 |
256 | 91021100 | 手表,电动者,仅有机械显时装置者,已列入第9101节者除外 | Wrist-watches, electrically operated, with mechanical display only, other than those of heading 91.01 |
257 | 94051000 | 枝形吊灯及其他天花板或墙壁之电照明配件,不包括公共露天场所或街道照明用者 | Chandeliers and other electric ceiling or wall lighting fittings, excluding those of a kind used for lighting public open spaces or thoroughfares |
258 | 94059900 | 第9405节所属货品之其他材料制零件 | Parts of other materials, articles of heading 94.05 |
259 | 95063900 | 其他高尔夫球设备 | Other golf equipment |
260 | 95066990 | 其他球 | Other balls |
261 | 95069100 | 一般体能运动、体操或竞技比赛用物品及设备 | Articles and equipment for general physical exercise, gymnastics or athletics |
262 | 95089000 | 其他游乐场回转台、秋千台、射击场及其他游乐场之娱乐设备;巡回剧团 | Other roundabouts, swings, shooting galleries and other fairground amusements; travelling theatres |
263 | 96032100 | 牙刷,包括假牙床用刷 | Tooth brushes, including dental-plate brushes |
264 | 96039090 | 其他帚、刷,手操作之机械式地板刷,无动力拖把及羽毛掸帚;T型擦干器(滚筒擦干器除外) | Other brooms, burshes, hand-operated mechanical floor sweepers, not motorised, mops and feather dusters; squeegees (other than roller squeegees) |
265 | 96072000 | 拉炼之零件 | Parts of slide fasteners |
266 | 96081000 | 原子笔 | Ball point pens |
267 | 96091000 | 铅笔及蜡笔,其笔芯装于硬质护层内者 | Pencils and crayons, with leads encased in a rigid sheath |
268 | 96170000 | 具有外壳之保温瓶及其他真空保温器皿;上述物品之零件,不包括玻璃制瓶胆 | Vacuum flasks and other vacuum vessels, complete with cases; parts thereof other than glass inners |